Pad Grip

Universal Tablet Mount

October 2012 - March 2013 

The Universal Tablet Mount is a design I created for Pad-Grip (now Mob Armour). It's an adjustable bracket that can accommodate a tablet of any dimension and interfaces with Pad-Grip's swivel ball mount system. It is currently on the market and can be purchased at 

Heckler Killer

May 2013

The Heckler Killer is a conceptual tablet mount intended for use as a point-of-purchase system. It is designed for use with two tablets (one large and one small) as an interface between clerk and customer. It was designed for sheet metal fabrication. Unfortunately, this design didn't make it beyond prototyping as the cost of manufacturing in the United States is prohibitively expensive. 

MoGUl Stand

December 2012 - January 2013

The Mogul Stand is a conceptual iPad stand designed as a premium product for executives and high-end retailers. There are two concepts shown in the pictures below.