Reuben Margolin

Reuben creates incredible kinetic sculptures. I helped Reuben create some CAD models, engineering drawings, and renderings for analysis, manufacturing, and visual communication. His work can be seen at 


July 2016 - August 2016

Reuben's Contours sculpture is an impressive wave design using precision machined nodes and arms to create the wave. We originally pursued a design concept using 3D-printed steel nodes but decided the machined components yielded more consistent motion. In addition to the nodes and arms, I also helped Reuben create drawings for the various plates and bars necessary to manage the complex network of strings that define the wave motion.

Helio Curve

May 2014 - July 2014

I helped Reuben visualize his design concepts for the drive system of Helio Curve. He used these visuals as part of his design proposal.